The Garden
Nature has been designing — and redesigning — my garden for years. In the sketches below, you’ll see both subtle and dramatic changes.
With the exception of annual vegetables, where I utilize crop rotation, I never relocate plants; they decide where they want to dwell and in which proportion they wish to procreate.
Three valerian plants exponentially seeded and reseeded to become a colony after 15 years. A handful of comfrey plants decided to reproduce and cover every region of the garden, often in dense clusters, like a family, and sometimes as solo guardians of certain garden beds, enriching the soil as they coax the bees and gladden the heart of those who enter the garden.
Introduce, Nurture, Tend
My role in the realm of the garden is a small part. I introduce certain plants, nurture them, and tend the beds, but the plants choose to dwindle or thrive. The birds and the wind bring the seeds, as well. My role is akin to being an interactive audience member, definitely not that of a director or conductor.
I do not wish to control nature but rather to love and support her. I truly believe that if everyone had a special connection to a little piece of earth, we would stop poisoning the planet, war would cease, and nobody would go hungry.
How the Garden Grows
Click the picture to begin the slide show.