Our tinctures in support of healthier kidneys include: Astragalus, Burdock, Chamomile, Dandelion, Horsetail, Lady’s Mantle, Oregano, Plantain, Sage, and Yarrow.
Contains disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. Beneficial for earache, peptic ulcers, urinary tract and respiratory tract infection. Sedative, reported to aid digestion, relieve nausea, insomnia, and neuralgia and to calm restless children and prevent nightmares. Do not use if allergic to ragweed.
High silica content (silica is vital to healthy skin and connective tissue, cartilage, flexibility and bone development). Soothes mucous membranes of the urinary tract. Diuretic in action. Anti-inflammatory, heals tissue and lungs. Useful for stomach ulcers and inflamed prostate gland. Do not use if heart or kidney disease exist.
Mild sedative, promotes blood circulation and flow of urine. Regulates menstrual flow, lowers blood pressure. Used for heart disease, anxiety, hypertension, insomnia, kidney disease, and supporting menopause. Reported to be a preventative for cancer and to stimulate the immune system. Avoid if using prescribed cardiac drugs. Not to be taken internally if pregnant.